Can Red Wine
Glass White Wine
Frugalpac Red Wine

Our Journey

Savvy Pair Logo
Design Gold Award

Who are the Savvy Pair?

We are Richard and Domingo: two peas in a pod and like minded wine treasure hunters.After meeting on a bus from Madrid across Spain, we formed a true friendship, sharing a love for old cars, 80s music, beer and wine.We’ve created these wines drawing from our combined Savvy industry experience.
Image of Richard and Domingo

Richard and Domingo

After ten years of talking, thought, and planning together, we have embarked on our next new venture – our own wine brand!

The wine business around the world is friendly, passionate and hugely inclusive. But only once you’re in it. It has taken years to know all the people we have come to know and love to work with.

Why Savvy Pair?: Unlocking the doors to wineries will let this Savvy Pair welcome you into a hidden world. Wines are hard to find but easy to drink, with taste to match.

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Richard and Domingo

  • ▪ 12 years of working together.
  • ▪ 30 million + bottles and bulk wine shipped.
  • ▪ Supplier to main retailers in the UK and other European countries.
  • ▪ Present across Europe and Asia with broad network.
  • ▪ Wealth of experience guiding and sourcing industry buyers.
  • ▪ Richard has worked with the Frugalpac packaging innovation since 2012.

Its sustainability credentials have caused both Richard and Domingo to consider packaging options for Savvy Pair.

Image of all products

The Logo

Image explaining the logo
Savvy Pair Logo
Ever wondered who selects wines or how they get into the hands of buyers worldwide? We want to show you how, so follow us on Linked-In & Instagram @savvypair. Our wine selection will span different countries, from Spain to France, Italy and beyond. Join us on our travels